Early access to new lessons:

On this page, we publish preliminary versions of new lessons and episodes. The goal is to get your opinion! What do you like and what is annoying? Please tell us about your impressions, good/bad experiences, any bugs or mistakes, exercises and topics you'd like to see ,  and any other notes.

Today's special

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How to provide your feedback?

All comments are highly appreciated!

What are we testing today?

Alef+  program, new Episode - an  interactive mini-course, which includes text, audio, video, exercises, and more! Play it on any device of your choice. In this Episode you will:

  • Hear the story of a famous Israeli spy, Eli Cohen
  • Discuss ethics issues and tough personal choices
  • Learn what Eli's family has to say about the Netflix series, "The Spy"
  • Meet spies from around the world from The Twelve Spies in the Bible to a nuclear whistleblower

...and more!



introduction: Our Man in Damascus